February 1, 2008
SG in Mammoth & Mono
Christian Pondella for the New York Times
When selecting a site for your house, there is always the question of how close to the city you should be and that depends on what kind of slave you are. The best thing to do is go as far out as you can get. Avoid the suburbs—dormitory towns—by all means. Go way out into the country—what you regard as "too far"—and when others follow, as they will (if procreation keeps up), move on.

—Frank Lloyd Wright, The Natural House (1954)

"The idea is not only that you can’t commute," said Andy, "but that you wouldn’t even be tempted."

The story.
Article originally appeared on Yosemite, the Southern Sierra Nevada & Death Valley (http://www.sierrasurvey.com/).
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